Study in Australia

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Study in Australia

If you have completed your graduation and planning to pursue higher education from the famous universities of the world. There are many people like you across the globe who are in confusion in choosing the best universities from the best countries. Then you are at right place. There are top countries which are providing quality higher education to the students like you.

Then Australia is treated as one of the best places to get higher education. It has the best universities in the world. There are 8 top universities in Australia out of 100 universities in the world. Fantastic career opportunities and great lifestyle of Australia is attracting the students from all corners of the world to pursue their career. There are multiple reasons to choose Australia for pursuing higher education.

Work Permit:

High living standard, excellent education, and friendly laid-back culture altogether made Australia is an excellent place to study. Despite these there are a lot more reasons that has contributed to making Australia better educational destinations in the world to attract international students. Lets us know the essential things that could clarify your doubts about the Australian education system.

So let's get to know each and everything about Australia education.

Why study in Australia will give you a promising career?

Australia is considered as an education powerful in the world with fantastic opportunities. The country has excellent resources such as world-class infrastructure, rich networking, experienced teaching professionals for all courses, and equipped with the finest facilities. These are the reasons why many students across the world are migrating to Australia for pursuing their dreams. Below mentioned are the main things for getting higher education.

1) Internationally recognised degrees and diplomas:

Educational institutions and employers across the globe recognize Australian certifications and degrees. Whoever graduate from the Australian universities can get prominent jobs across the world.

2) Cost of Living:

Australia is considered as a cost-effective country. The college fees and living expenses are quite low when we compare with other similar countries such as Uk and US. One can have a higher standard of living at a very reasonable price in Australia. There are various scholarship programmes one can apply for, and that could help them in financing their needs.

3) Technology accessibility:

Australian universities have designed and developed a high quality of scientific programs made available for international students. Whoever studies in Australia can have access to a wide range of resources and can build their knowledge.

4) a wide range of courses:

Australian universities and institutes are providing a wide range of diversified courses and degrees to international students. Hence you can easily find the course that you wish to join. You can choose the best institute from diversified institutions such as colleges, universities, premier institutes, vocational education, and English language training institutes.

5) post-study work permit:

Foreign students can work up to 40 hours each fortnight in Australia. Despite this, the student can get an opportunity to stay in Australia even after completion of their education. They can obtain the post-study work permit, which enables them to work even after graduation. Other opportunities include such as professional year programs (PYP) that permit the graduates of Information technology, engineering degrees, accounting, and mentoring in the Austrian business environment. Whoever completes the PYP can help in getting the permanent residency.

6) Multicultural environment:

Australia provides full freedom to foreign students in which students can learn, travel, and improve his knowledge in a safe and secure environment. Hence you are not here to complete the education but to be a part of diversified cultures.

Top Universities in Australia are:

Australia has eight universities of the top 100 universities in the world, which provides high quality diversified education facilities. Despite this, there are other universities too, which are offering numerous other educational programs that suit student's interests.

From life sciences, engineering, technology, arts, humanities, clinical services, digital health solutions, physical sciences, to social sciences, and lot more, colleges of Australia offers almost all services that will help to foreign students.

The list of top universities are

  1. University of Sydney –
  2. University of Queensland (UQ) –
  3. University of Western Australia (UWA) –
  4. University of Technology (UTS) –
  5. University of Wollongong –
  6. University of Melbourne –
  7. University of New South Wales (UNSW) –
  8. Monash University –
  9. University of Adelaide –
  10. Australian National University –

Advantages of Studying in Regional universities in Australia:

Some of the cities in Australia have categorised into regions. These cities are a little bit away from the main cities in Australia. But they are developed and equipped with all amenities like main cities. Some of the cities like Townsville, Darwin, Tasmania, Rack Hampton, Adelaide, and many more other popular cities in Australia.

There are many advantages associated with studying in regional universities. Because some of the top universities of Australia have situated in these cities. Moreover, there is a wide range of giant companies located in these cities. Because of their unique procedures in research and teaching methodology of the regional universities attracts a large amount of students from metropolitan places and overseas. The main advantages of studying in regional universities

  1. Low cost of living
  2. Less competition for part time jobs
  3. Chances of earning more points for availing the opportunity to get permanent residency.
  4. A promising career with tremendous opportunities.
  5. HIgh wage pays for part-time.

Famous regional universities in Australia.

  1. University of Ballarat
  2. Southern Cross University
  3. University of Adelaide
  4. Central Queensland University
  5. University of New England
  6. Charles Darwin University
  7. University of Southern Queensland
  8. Tasmania University
  9. James cook university
  10. University of South Australia

Education system In Australia:

The Australian education system is designed to offer a diverse range of study options for overseas students. The country has more than 1,100 educational institutions which are offering around 22,000 courses to select from.

You can opt for primary, secondary and vocational training (VET) in Australia. In addition to all this, you can even choose to learn English languages courses, as well as higher studies, form Australian universities.

Regardless of what you study or how long you are going to stay in Australia, the law system of Australia facilitates high-quality education and a secure environment for international students.

There is a separate law for overseas students which is Education Services For Overseas Students (ESOS) act 2000 and National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and training to overseas students in 2007. They offer all the amenities required for providing quality education to foreign students.

Cost of studying in Australia:

There are very few countries who are offering quality education with high standards, and Australia is a one among them. The country gives you true value for every penny you spent. The tuition fee and room rents in Australia are quite high compared to the UK and US, but the part-time job opportunities will surely compensate for this.

On average, the fee of studying in Australia is:

Tuition Fee--The tuition fee ranges from $25,000--$38,000.

Accommodation -- this can be varied from $80 to $250 per week. But if you want to have a private home for rent, then the cost would be $400 per week.

Living Expenses:this includes, groceries, electricity, gas, internet, entertainment, phone, and more. The cost may vary from $200 per week to $1000 per week.

The application process for studying in Australia:

Australia has two intakes in a year, which are February and July. But despite this there are some students, even in September and November.

The idle thing we suggest students are making applications seven months before the intake period. This is just because of the reason that the universities take around 4-6 weeks to process the application process.

The documents required for the application purpose is a resume, mark sheets, passing certificate of 10th, statement of purpose reference letters from colleges and employers, IELTS score, passport copy, and birth certificate.

Admission process for studying in Australia:

To get admission for studying in Australia, the first thing you need to do is registering yourself with the renowned consultants like us. We will take the responsibility to fill your application process and building your profile.

There are some courses or universities in Australia to get admissions into these Universities you need to pass some tests before getting the admission. Based on your score, we recommend the institutes that match your profile.

Australian Scholarships and Bursaries based on the Universities for International Students

  1. University of Tasmania – Tasmanian International Scholarships
  2. University of Tasmania – TSBE Relocation Bursary
  3. University of Newcastle – Golden Jubilee Scholarships
  4. UNSW – Future of Chance Scholarships
  5. The University of Queensland – The School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences Indian Scholarship
  6. Macquarie University – Undergraduate India Academic Excellence Scholarship
  7. University of Adelaide – Professions India Scholarships
  8. Macquarie University – Data Science Scholarships for Indian Students
  9. La Trobe University – Data Science Scholarships for Indian Students
  10. Macquarie University – Postgraduate Indian Women’s Scholarship
  11. University of Adelaide – Excellence Scholarships
  12. Australian National University – Study Canberra India Scholarship
  13. La Trobe University – Regional Campus Scholarships
  14. Flinders University and BW Business world Scholarship
  15. The University of Queensland – International Scholarship for Advanced Standing Students
  16. The University of Queensland – Science International Scholarships
  17. Edith Cowan University – Petroleum Engineering First Cohort Scholarship
  18. The University of New England – International Postgraduate Research Award
  19. University of Tasmania – Tasmanian International Scholarship
  20. Macquarie University Vice Chancellor’s International Scholarship
  21. Southern Cross University – Pro Vice-Chancellor
  22. Deakin India Scholarship Postgraduate
  23. Deakin Bursary Undergraduate
  24. RMIT University – Global Leaders Scholarship for Postgraduate Indian Business Students
  25. The University of South Africa – Vice Chancellor’s International Excellence Scholarships
  26. University of Newcastle – Technology and Engineering Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship
  27. University of Queensland – Engineering Architecture and Information Technology Faculty Year 12 Overseas international scholarships
  28. Macquarie University – Macquarie University Tuition Fee Grant
  29. Edith Cowan University – International Undergraduate Merit Scholarship
  30. La Trobe University – Additional PG Scholarship
  31. Monash University – Monash University Scholarships
  32. The University of Queensland – MBA Student Scholarship
  33. Monash International Merit Scholarship
  34. La Trobe University – La Trobe International Student Scholarship
  35. University of South Australia – International Postgraduate Student High Achiever Tuition Grant
  36. Deakin University – Deakin International Meritorious Scholarship